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हिन्दी मे
ENVIS Centre of Chandigarh's State of Environment
Hosted by
ENVIS Centre, Department of Environment, Chandigarh
Sponsored by
Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt of India
About Us
ENVIS Network
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ENVIS Centres
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Theme Specific Experrts
Advisory Committee
What is ENVIS
What is the working structure of ENVIS
What is the assigned subject area to Chandigarh ENVIS Centre
What is the total number of ENVIS Centre
What are the specific functions of the Pollution Control Boards
What are the measures for control of noise pollution
What are the laws enforced by of the Pollution Control Boards
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution in the country
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution from generator sets
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution due to loud-speakers
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution due to fire crackers
What is the impact of the steps to Ambient Air Quality
What are the steps taken to control vehicular pollution
What are the measures for control of noise pollution
Is there any legal and institutional framework to check pollution in the country
How many critically polluted areas have been identified
What are sources of water pollution and wastewater generation scenario
What steps have been taken to control vehicular pollution
What are the different programes-activities implemented through State Pollution Control Board
What are the important Environmental Laws in the country
Related Links
United Nations Environment Programme
Clean Production Action
Vedams Books from india
WWF India
US Environmental Protection Agency
Environment Agency
NOAA Sattellite Information Services
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Knowledge Bank
Rain water harvesting
Our Environment
E-Waste (Electronic waste)
Bio Medical Type
Standards for incineration
Recording of operational parameters:
Standards for waste autoclaving
Treatment and Disposal
Segregation and Packing
Organic Type
Hazardous Type
Solid Type
Liquid Type
Swine Flu
What causes swine flu:
Symptoms of Swine Flu:
What is the treatment for swine flu:
Swine Flu Precautions:
Preventive Measures
Important Points to Remember
Eco Friendly HOLI
Preparations Before Holi Celebrations
How to Make Natural Colours
World Metrology Day
World Health Day
Causes of Earthquakes
Measuring the Size of an Earthquake
The Richter Scale
Fault Geometry and Seismic Moment, MO
Energy, E
Determining the Depth of an Earthquake
How To Protect From Earthquake
World Environment Day
Tips to Save Electircity
Tips for Water Conservation
National Science Day
World Forestry Day
World Water Day
World Population Day
Simple Action for Corona Prevention
ECO Clubs Activities
Government Model Sen. Sec School Sector 23A
Eco Club Day
GMSSS Sector 39 Chandigarh
International Ozone Protection day (GMSSS- 20D)
Akshay Urja Diwas, GSSS, Raipur Khurd, Chandigarh
campaign on “Say no to plastic bags” GMSSS-20D
GMSSS-37 launches Paper recycling Drive
Environment week Celebration by Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School Sector 39 C Chandigarh
Anti- Cracker Campaign
Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector-46-D, Chandigarh
C. L Aggarwal DAV Model School Sector 7-B, Chandigarh
Week Long Diwali Celebration at Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-23A, Chandigarh
Government Model Senior Secondary School Sector 20-D,Chandigarh
Government Model High School sector 42
Anti Cracker rally and oath at GMSSS 37 B
Quiz Competition by Eco club
Road Safety Day By students of GMHS Khudda Jassu
World Wetlands Day is celebrated at GMSSS 37 B
Eco Friends Day in collaboration of Mission Green Eco Club
Water Conservation Day
Cleaning Drive by GHS 24
Energy Conservation Day BY GHS Colony No. 4
Energy Conservation Day 23-12-2016 by GMSSS Sec 26
Before 2016-17
LOTUS Eco Club GMSSS 20 D (JPG, 101 KB)
Notional Energy Conservation Day
NSS Camp (2015-16)
Eco Friendly Diwali Campaign by Ajit Karam Singh International Pubic School, Sector 41-B, Chandigarh
Press Release to Clean and Green Diwali
Press Release on Cleanliness
Press Release on Pollution Prevention Day
National Science Day
World Forestry Day
World Water Day
World Population Day
Van Mahotsav
Swachhata Hi Seva
World Wetland Day, 02nd Feb, 2018
Prakriti Paryavaran aur Hum
World Wildlife Week
World Environment Day
Kids Center
Knowledge Bank
ECO Clubs Activities