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हिन्दी मे
ENVIS Centre of Chandigarh's State of Environment
Hosted by
ENVIS Centre, Department of Environment, Chandigarh
Sponsored by
Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Govt of India
About Us
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ENVIS Centres
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Theme Specific Experrts
Advisory Committee
What is ENVIS
What is the working structure of ENVIS
What is the assigned subject area to Chandigarh ENVIS Centre
What is the total number of ENVIS Centre
What are the specific functions of the Pollution Control Boards
What are the measures for control of noise pollution
What are the laws enforced by of the Pollution Control Boards
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution in the country
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution from generator sets
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution due to loud-speakers
What steps have been taken to control noise pollution due to fire crackers
What is the impact of the steps to Ambient Air Quality
What are the steps taken to control vehicular pollution
What are the measures for control of noise pollution
Is there any legal and institutional framework to check pollution in the country
How many critically polluted areas have been identified
What are sources of water pollution and wastewater generation scenario
What steps have been taken to control vehicular pollution
What are the different programes-activities implemented through State Pollution Control Board
What are the important Environmental Laws in the country
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United Nations Environment Programme
Clean Production Action
Vedams Books from india
WWF India
US Environmental Protection Agency
Environment Agency
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Air Quality
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
Trends of NO2 in Chandigarh
Trends of RSPM in Chandigarh
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations on Bhuvan 2014
Air quality during Diwali
Trends of RSPM During Diwali
Trends of Nox During Diwali
Trends of Sox During Diwali
Factors Effecting Air Quality
The proposed action plan to control particulate pollution (high RSPM10)
Administrative Initiatives
Major Institutions, which work towards air quality
Steps taken to Stop Further Deterioration of air quality
Details of Road Transport in Chandigarh
Details of Roadways Transport in U.T., Chandigarh
Changing travel patterns with time
Steps taken by UT and future perspectives for better transportation:
Air Network Chandigarh (UT)
Proposed METRO
Rail Network Chandigarh (UT)
Land Area Under Existing Villages YEAR 2013
Land acquisitions after 2004
Land Classification 2010 - 2013
Land Use Characterization of Chandigarh:
Actions for control of land degradation due to municipal solid waste
Sahyog - Waste Management Project
Disposal of Fallen Tree Leaves
Waste Management
E-Waste (Electronic waste)
eWaste bin locations (PDF, 138 KB)
eBin Item List (PDF, 125 KB)
E-Bin Map on Bhuvan
Hazardous Waste
Industry wise List (PDF, 3523 KB)
Industrial Units (PDF, 141 KB)
Generation Before 2010 (PDF, 342 KB)
Generation 2010 Onwards (PDF, 144 KB)
Biomedical Waste
Health Care Facilities (PDF, 132 KB)
BMW Beds in private hospitals and nursing homes, Chandigarh
BMW Beds in Governmental Hospitals of Chandigarh (Total 3120 Beds)
Municipal Solid Waste
Waste Water Generation (PDF, 164 KB)
Waste Contents Percentage (PDF, 123 KB)
Solid Waste Management (PDF, 167 KB)
Sewage Details (PDF, 124 KB)
Drainage System (PDF, 129 KB)
Minicipal Soildwaste Generation (PDF, 120 KB)
List of Sehaj Safai Kendras (PDF, 218 KB)
Total Number of Industries Category wise
List of White Category of Industries
List of Re-categorised Industries/units adopted by CPCC as per directions of CPCB, Delhi.
Latest Categorisation of Industries
Industries Production
Industries Status
Area Under Agricultre
Area Under crops
Area under Vegetables
Area under Fruits
Total Annual Production of Agricultural products
Crops Production
Vegetable production
Fruit Production
Comparative graph of food grain’s production
Consumption of Pesticides
Wild Animal Diversity (PDF, 138 KB)
Flora And Fauna of Sukhna Lake (PDF, 128 KB)
Animal Husbandry Yearwise Milk Production (PDF, 152 KB)
Animal Husbandry Yearwise Egg Production (PDF, 153 KB)
Animal Husbandry Veterinary Institutions Staff (PDF, 132 KB)
Animal Husbandry Veterinary Facilities (PDF, 137 KB)
Animal Husbandry Vaccination Performed (PDF, 157 KB)
Animal Husbandry Utilization Of Milk In Percentage (PDF, 179 KB)
Animal Husbandry Utilization Of Eggs (PDF, 210 KB)
Animal Husbandry Total Milk Production (PDF, 192 KB)
Animal Husbandry Production Utilization Of Dung (PDF, 173 KB)
Animal Husbandry Poultry (PDF, 166 KB)
Animal Husbandry Population Census (PDF, 180 KB)
Animal Husbandry Milk Yield Per Animal (PDF, 188 KB)
Animal Husbandry Meat Yield Per Animal (PDF, 165 KB)
Animal Husbandry Meat Production Animals Slaughtered (PDF, 165 KB)
Animal Husbandry Feed Fed Per Animal (PDF, 166 KB)
Animal Husbandry Egg Production (PDF, 171 KB)
Animal Husbandry Categories Livestock (PDF, 215 KB)
Animal Husbandry Cases Treated Veterinary Institutions (PDF, 141 KB)
Animal Husbandry Area Fish Production Culture Seed (PDF, 129 KB)
Animal Husbandry Annual Meat Production (PDF, 185 KB)
Animal Husbandry Animals Slaughtered (PDF, 187 KB)
Animal Husbandry Animals in Milk Milch (PDF, 340 KB)
Ground Water
Urban Growth
Urban Information System
Municipal GIS
E Governance
Decentralised Planning
Bhuwan 2D
Pest Surveillance
Environment Database
Eco Clubs Introduction
List of Clusters
Email ids of Clusters
List of ECO Clubs
Envmt. days
Do You Know ?
Environment tips
Environment Books
Envmt. Laws
Medical and Health
Disaster Management
Climate and Rain Fall
Area and Population
Noise Level
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Subject Area
Last Updated On: 31/03/2021
Ground Water