A.  Legislative & Policy Responses: 

1. The entire Union Territory has been declared as ‘air pollution control area’ vide notification no. G.S.R. 71(E)  [NO.Q-14012/87-CPA] dated 1st February, 1988 with the aim of exercising the powers conferred by sub-section(1) of section 19 of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, to reduce air pollution.

2. The Central Pollution Control Board was monitoring the Air Quality in Chandigarh from 1989 to 1992 and Chandigarh Pollution Control Committee was set up thereafter. The ambient air quality is currently being monitored by CPCC at five points. 

3. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 & The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988  and rules notified there under and all other legislations of the central government are being implemented in the UT. 

4. Directions have been issued u/s 5 of The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 to the Municipal Corporation, as well as, other concerned institutions for doing organic composting to prevent burning of leaves and to prevent air pollution. 

B Infrastructural Responses

a. Industrial Pollution Control:

1. The industrial zone is situated towards Southeast of the city in the leeward direction.  Green rows and columns of mango trees separate it from the rest of the city. It is located ideally near the railway station for easy transportation of raw materials and goods.  The IT Park of the city is located in a pollution free environment near the foothills of the mountains. Recently the Administration has acquired another 152 acres of land in revenue estate of Village Mauli Jagran for developing Phase-III of the Industrial area.

2. All the air polluting industries under Red Category in the Union Territory have installed air pollution control equipments.

3. No air polluting industry is allowed to operate in non confirming areas (outside Industrial area).

b. Vehicular Pollution Control:

1. Compulsory ‘Pollution Under Control’ (PUC) certificates for vehicles has been introduced by Chandigarh Traffic Police.  Pollution monitoring facilities are available at most of the Petrol Pumps & Vehicle Repair Maintenance units in the city. As per data provided by the State Transport Authority, Chandigarh, 30 authorized stations are operative for issuing ‘Pollution Under Control’ certificates (PUC).  Regular monitoring by the Traffic Police ensures reduced pollution of air from vehicles.  1142 challans were  issued in year 2011.  This ensures compliance. 

2. Lead free petrol was introduced in Chandigarh in early 2000. This is expected to reduce lead pollution in air. Other clean fuels like LPG are also introduced in city.   Chandigarh Administration has taken steps to promote battery operated vehicles which do not pollute while running on roads.

3. Many roundabouts which were facing traffic congestion problems especially during peak hours have been converted into traffic light points with timers and slip roads to ensure easy flow of vehicles. Moving one step further to grid based movements of traffic, Administration has closed rotaries connecting sector in the middle. 4. Cycle tracks have been developed along all major Margs and important Paths in Chandigarh. The Chandigarh Traffic Police has also started compulsory segregation of slow moving vehicles in separate lanes especially during peak hours.

5. Routes of HTV and interstate buses in the city are specified.

6. Chandigarh Traffic Police has also taken measures to ensure smooth moving of the traffic, reducing jams, and hence, minimizing wastage of fuel.  Chandigarh wins the first place in India when it comes to roads’ width. It is estimated that