1.  Control over Diesel locomotives: 

Transportation is one of the main causes of RSPM at any place. Chandigarh has very high density of diesel based auto (including from the nearby states) and public transport buses. There should be a strict regulation over the diesel auto in Chandigarh and their replacement should be done from CNG/electricity based auto-rickshaws. 

Moreover, suitable action should also be taken against the highly polluting/unmaintained vehicles. 

Overloading of the public transport mainly auto rickshaw, should also be checked strictly.

New projects (under/over pass bridge) for the traffic bypass should be initiated for the hustle free and smooth travel in the city and to avoid excessive fuel burning by the traffic jams occurred due to traffic lights and roundabouts.

2. Control over Pollinating Vegetation: 

     A thorough study is required for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the pollinating  trees available in the city and their capacity of pollination. 

Quantification of the extent of RSPM addition by the pollinating trees should also be done. 

Further, the plantation of identified species of plants should be avoided and suitable measures should be taken for their possible replacement.  

3. Control over highly Polluting Industries:

Quantification of the emissions of each industry can help to locate the highly polluting units and control the pollution caused by them.

Industries should also submit data on the source of emission (whether boiler or furnace or cupola etc) boiler capacity, type of fuel used, fuel consumed per day, number of working hours per day, and quantity of emissions of all pollutants (SOx, NOx, RSPM).

4. Sensitisation of the nearby Industrial States:

Chandigarh, being a small city surrounded by the big industrial hubs, is very much affected by the high RSPM levels of the nearby cities. Therefore, they should be sensitized against the issue and coordinated to initiate necessary steps to control the situation. 

Uncontrolled stubble burning in the nearby agriculture area should also be checked properly.

Brick kilns are among the main pollutant emitting production units and are present in a high number across the city in the territory of Haryana, Punjab and Himachal. Particularly in winters, the coal consumption in these units increases gradually to maintain the temperature of boiler in cold climate; thus releasing excessive emissions of particulates in winters. Therefore, required steps should be taken to control such activities.  

5. Awareness: 

Time to time initiation of effective awareness programmes for the city residents, school children, colleges/university students, industrialists, and farmers should be done, to aware them against the detrimental consequences of burning fire crackers, waste leaves, waste paper & plastics, and stubble burning etc. by using different means such as: 

   Printed materials such as newsletters, magazines, pamphlets etc

Organising Mob shows, theatre plays

Seminars and workshops

Industrialists should also make aware about the health implications and environmental  losses caused by the polluted emissions of their units.