SUBJECT :Environmental Days 

ENVIS Hub Celebrated ‘Van Mahotsav’ in the month of July with Department of Forest and Wildlife, U.T, Chandigarh . On this occasion a series of Environmental days were celebrated with greening agencies like Eco-Clubs of 140 Schools, NGOs, Resident Welfare Associations etc.:

List of Days Celebrated are:

·                Paudhmela (Fare of Saplings) (04th July, 2017)

·                ECO-Club Day (07th   July, 2017)

·                NGO Day (07th   July, 2017)

·                Herbal Day (08th July, 2017)

·                Resident Welfare Association (08th July, 2017)

Paudhmela (04th July, 2017): On the occasion of Van Mahotsava-2017, the ‘Paudhmela’ was   inaugurated by the Chief Guest – Sh.V.P.Singh Badnore, His Excellency, the Governor of Punjab & the Administrator, UT Chandigarh in the presence of Smt.Kirron Kher, Hon’ble Member of Parliament, UT Chandigarh, at Parking Place near Sukhna Lake Club.

After inauguration of Paudh Mela, a ceremonial plantation was held at  IRB Complex, Sarangpur, Chandigarh where Chief Guest had launched  ‘Plantation Drive-2017’ and planted ‘Rudraksha’ sapling. On this occasion, Smti Kirron Kher, Hon’ble M.P also planted a saplimg of ‘ Sita Ashok”.

After the plantation programme, Chief Guest also inaugurated 300 kWp Grid tied Rooftop Solar Power Plant installed on 39 Porta Cabins in IRB Complex, Sarangpur, Chandigarh as phase II of the project.

Eco Club Day (07th July, 2017) : The ceremonial function organized by department in collaboration with Environmental NGO – Yuvsatta, was held at Govt. Model Sr.Sec. School, Sector 10, UT Chandigarh in which Sh.Anurag Aggarwal, IAS, Home Secretary-cum-Secretary (Forests & Sci. & Tech. & RE), UT Chandigarh was the Chief Guest.  

Chief Guest planted the sapling of ‘Jacaranda’ at school premises. Other Officers and Principal of the School also planted a sapling in the school premises.

            After planting a sapling, Chief Guest inaugurated 70 kWp Grid tied Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant at Govt. Model Sr.Sec.School, Sector 10, UT Chandigarh.

The overall objective of celebrating the ‘Eco Club Day’ is to sensitize the masses especially school children to generate awareness for protection and conservation of flora & fauna and to increase the green cover of the Chandigarh. On this occasion, Shri Santosh Kumar, IFS exhorted the students to take active part in plantation in open areas and should make Chandigarh city more clean & green.

NGO Day (07th July, 2017): the ‘NGO Day’ was celebrated in collaboration with NGO – Youth Innovative Society, which was held at Govt. Model High School, Sec. 29, UT Chandigarh wherein Chief Guest-  Sh.Santosh Kumar, IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests & Director (Environment) , UT Chandigarh planted a sapling in the school premises and  has given the message to the students to plant more & more trees during vanmahotsava week.