Chandigarh, June 5
Long empty roads sans vehicles and their noisy honking, chirping of the birds, serene environment and rain washed buildings, Panjab University was completely in sync with World Environment Day today.
In fact, the university looked like an academic institution of the repute of an IIT or an IIM where right from the students to the teachers, everyone either walks down or uses a cycle to commute daily.
Many students and residents were also seen enjoying rickshaw rides provided free off cost by the university. The university had hired about 20 rickshaws for the convenience of those who could not walk.
The celebrations began with plantation of trees followed by a cleanliness drive, anti-termite treatment of trees, cycling and non-use of vehicles, photographic exhibition depicting beauty of nature, promotion and creation of awareness to conserve and save the environment.
Early in the morning at 5:30 am, the entire top brass of the university, led by the vice-chancellor, planted 75 chakrassia saplings near UIET building on the south campus, Sector 25. Subsequently, volunteers and university employees manned the gates, requesting the public to park their vehicles in earmarked parking zones and make use of alternate commuting arrangements.
In fact, the vice-chancellor, along with the registrar, dean, faculty members, PUTA and PUSA leaders and students, went round the campus picking up polythene and other non-biodegradable substances.
An exhibition of photographs by Jeesu Kaskanwar and Navtrej Singh depicting the beauty of nature, promoting and motivating the youth towards environment conservation and promoting cycle tourism and good health was also inaugurated. Impressed with the works, the VC immediately directed that the exhibition be put up in his office as well. He also announced to make arrangements for holding such exhibitions in the foyer of his office in future.
The VC, along with the registrar, who commuted the whole day on cycles, also announced that tourism courses and photography would be initiated and motivated by the university.