Chandigarh, August 16
Pushing ahead its social responsibility agenda, newly-formed voluntary organisation URGE today undertook a tree plantation drive in an area in Sector 38 West that was bereft of green cover. Members of the organisation and their families, in association with residents and nearby slum colony, planted over 50 saplings of different tree varieties procured from the department of environment and forests, UT.

The saplings were planted along the berms of both North-South and the East-West roads near the trafficlight intersection of Sector 38-38 W.

Among the saplings planted were of birmani, papadi, tun, morsari, neem and peepal. URGE president Sudhir Gulati said the society had been formed with the aim of promoting goodwill and global harmony through rational thinking and mutual respect for all human beings, irrespective of their race, origin, religion, language or culture, etc, for creating a joyous, loving and peaceful world.

Source: Tribune News Service