Chandigarh, July 7
As many as 700 saplings of ornamental and medicinal species were planted during a special drive at 12 Wing here in which a large number of officers, air warrior and their family members participated.

The saplings are non-fruit bearing plants, which will make the environment green and pleasant without inviting birds that pose safety hazard in and around airfields.

Air Cmdr Rajeev Sachdeva, Air Officer Commanding, 12 Wing, and Neeta Sachdeva, president, Air Force Wives Welfare Association (local), inaugurated the drive by planting saplings in the station’s domestic area.

Air Cmde Sachdeva said 2,000 saplings would be planted during the drive, in which children would also participate on weekends.

He added that the IAF’s focus was flight safety and plant species were selected accordingly.

Among the saplings planted today were of bougainvillaea, gulmohar, morpankhi, bottle brush in the ornamental category and bel, neem and amla in the medicinal category.

Source: Tribune News Service