SUBJECT : Anti Cracker Campaign

 The Eco club "SRIJAN" of C. L Aggarwal DAV Model school organised an Anti-cracker, Anti Noise and Anti Pollution rally, to spread awareness amongst the public on harmful effects of bursting crackers. 

The rally was flagged form the school by the school principal .The rally passed through the roads and market of sector 7, Chandigarh. The students carried placards and posters with various slogans. “ This Diwali go green” Be environment friendly” etc. To mark the day variety of activities and competitions were also organised in the school.

The students participated enthusiastically  in Poster making , Diya , Candle, Thali , Board decoration competitions. Rangoli making competition added colour to the occasion . It was a sight worth seeing children using vibrant colours to make beautiful designs of rangoli. School Principal Mrs. Sunita Ranyal addressed the students and inspired them not to burst crackers and to celebrate a clean and green Diwali.

   Special Morning assembly was organised on 24-10-2016 , Students took an Oath of not using crackers and Anti Crackers Rally.

Source: C. L Aggarwal DAV Model School Sector 7-B, Chandigarh